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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Little Miss Aveline


It was only a matter of time before I introduced her, and so here she is: little miss Aveline. Wherever there are new shoes to be found, a new purse or other fashion accessory, even a new shopping bag- there you will find her.


Ever since she was a teeny tiny kitten, she has loved all things fashion (actually making my hat box into her bed, mushed hat included). Watching me do my make up with the brushes is something she has always loved, it is her favorite thing to do in the morning still to this day.

avie_dior_kittenShe is my little girl with the spotted belly and I call her Aveline. Very cat like, unlike her brother Ulric- she never knocks over anything- no matter how crowded a bookshelf may be, and is so quiet and quick you may never even see her. When her brother tries to mimic her moves, he knocks over items in the other room- not even close to her grace, though I still love him, too.

Kitties can be funny, and these two are constantly entertaining and keeping me happy. They know when a snuggle is in order or when to play, and they are always there in times of need. You've met Ulric in a previous post, now you have met my little Aveline as well.


She likes to nap with her little stuffed puppy toy, funny little thing.


She does love her belly rubs, as well. Such a cutie.


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